



Looking for help is never easy.  Especially in these stressful times and if you may well be meeting with a new therapist and having all your sessions online rather than in person.  Still, life problems can reach a crisis point when one knows for certain they need to reach out for help. Whether or not you have been in therapy before, with the right help you can make real, positive changes in your feelings, your behavior, and your relationships, bringing more satisfaction and joy into your life.

Without feeling understood and safe, no one would open up to the process of therapy, and without being challenged, one would not take the risks necessary for growth and progress. Therapy is a collaborative process that requires the therapist to balance empathy and support using pro-active input and feedback. As a Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist in private practice for over 30 years, I provide individual, couple, and group psychotherapy with an emphasis on relationship problems or individual traits or behavior patterns that interfere with satisfying long-term relationships.

When you are ready to take the next step, I look forward to working together to help you achieve your goals. Please contact me about setting up an individual or couples consultation.

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